Program Development

Economic developmentProgram DevelopmentProgram Partnership

Mentoring for Work Integration – Developing the Full Potential of Individuals and Fostering a Sustainable Labor Market

The Institute for Youth Development KULT organized an event called Mentoring for work integration: developing the full potential of individuals and fostering a...

Program DevelopmentProgram Partnership

Jasmin Bešić and Jan de Jong: Discussing Experiences, Digital Nomads and Motivation

CEO of the Institute for Youth Development, KULT Jasmin Bešić, met with Jan de Jong from the Digital Nomad Association in Croatia. The...

Program DevelopmentProgram PartnershipStrengthening of organizational capacitiesYouth Policy

A Step Forward Towards Partnership for Progress: Civil Society and Local Self-Government

“The participation of citizens in the decision-making process in political and public life is the foundation for improving access to human rights. “It...

Program PartnershipSupport through grants

How Can BiH Get Closer to the EU? Ask Young People!

The event “Youth Initiatives for EU Integration,” part of the “Youth Advocacy Initiative Incubator” project, highlighted young people’s engagement in advocacy for the...

Program PartnershipYouth Work

Community Activism Summer Camp Motivation for New Opportunities

“I felt hopeless until July of this year when I saw an ad for the Summer Activism Camp. “I considered it an opportunity...

Program Partnership

Visionary Ideas on Stage for Creative Thinkers

In a world that often values conformity and uniformity above all else, TEDxSarajevo offers a stage for more adventurous thinkers. Jasmin Bešić, CEO of...

Program DevelopmentProgram Partnership

Citizen Participation in Decision-Making Processes Promoted in Brčko

The “Together with Proactive Citizens” event in Brčko focused on promoting citizen participation in decision-making. A key message from the meeting was that...

Program DevelopmentProgram Partnership

Director-General of Sida Discusses Support to Entrepreneurs and Civil Society During Visit to BiH

Director-General of Sida, Ms. Carin Jämtin visited Bosnia and Herzegovina yesterday. During her visit, she met with representatives of the Sarajevo Economic Region...

Program DevelopmentProgram Partnership

EURegionWeek: Biggest Annual Event Dedicated to Regional Policy Begins

We took part in the biggest annual regional policy event in Europe. The event originated in Brussels and is dedicated to improving learning...