The conference entitled “Partnership between Local Actors for Development and Employment” was held on July 12 and 13, 2016 in Mostar.
The aim of the conference was to strengthen the connections between the participants involved in the employment, training and requalification projects. The conference participants discussed education and adult employment, social inclusion and rural and local development.
The discussion also revolved around the role of training, requalification and lifelong learning in emplyoment and entrepreneurial initiatives, particularly those directed towards youth and the socially excluded groups.
The “GoraĹľde Model” was also presented as an example of good practice and work, along with the SEC Banja Luka and Mostar, and the ILO project that will focus on emplyoment in local communities was also presented.
Challenges and manners in which organizations can contribute were defined for each thematic area with recommendations for improvement.
The conference was organized by TASCO BiH in partnership with the TASCO VESTA Resource Center, and a representative of the Institute for Youth Development KULT also participated in the conference.
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