The Draft youth strategy for Sarajevo Canton was adopted during the Assembly of Sarajevo Canton, on March 5, 2018.
By adopting this document, the Canton showed their willingness to work on improving the position of youth, and this is the Canton’s first draft.
The Draft was developed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Sarajevo Canton with the support of representatives of all competent ministries, assembly bodues, the City of Sarajevo, the Student Parliament of the University of Sarajevo, the Association of High School Students and the Youth Council of SC, and forwarded to the Government of discussion.
This document offers a systematic approach to youth and focuses on their needs in seven crucial areas: education, employment, healthcare, leisure time, safety, mobility and social protection.
The adoption of the Draft strategy will be followed by public hearings in municipal and cantonal bodies.
The adoption of the Youth Strategy will initiate the process of systematically approaching areas important for youth. Along with action plans, the Strategy will allow youth from Sarajevo Canton to use the improved institutional mechanisms to access their rights.
The process of developing the Youth Strategy was coordinated by the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Sarajevo Canton. The Institute for Youth Development KULT provided expert advisory support in the process of developing the Youth Strategy of Sarajevo Canton.
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