Sanski Most Adopts Draft Youth Strategy

The Sanski Most Municipal Council adopted the Draft Youth Strategy of the Sanski Most Municipality with an action plan for 2024-2028. By adopting this strategy, the Sanski Most Municipality shows its commitment to addressing youth issues and continues to recognize their needs in an effort to adopt policies and programs that will support young people and improve their status in this local community.

The new programs outlined in the strategy will improve conditions in employment, education, social care, healthcare, security, culture, and sports for young people. These programs aim to address issues in formal and informal education, mentor young people in self-employment, provide subsidies for public transport to high school students, enhance youth participation in volunteering and activism, improve youth information, and expand cultural and sports events.

The youth strategy is the result of the cooperation of the Institute for Youth Development KULT with the Municipality of Sanski Most, the Department for Governance and Social Issues of the Municipality of Sanski Most, the coordinating body and working groups that contributed to the drafting of this strategy.

The draft development process was preceded by a survey on the position and needs of youth in Sanski Most.

The Institute for Youth Development KULT will continue its cooperation with the Municipality of Sanski Most, which continues to demonstrate its commitment to improving the lives of its young people.

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