SARAJEVO, November 21 – A round table on the Example of Local Authority Support to Youth Entrepreneurship was organised today at the Educational – Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA in Ilidža.

The round table was organised by the Institute for Youth Development KULT in partnership with the Ilidža Municipality at the Educational – Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA.

This round table was organised within the IlidĹľa Global Entrepreneurship Week representing an initiative which aims to inspire youth to accept innovations, imaginativeness and creativeness and turn their ideas into reality, stated the Institute’s spokesman Tarik Kapetanovi? at the meeting.  

The round table was led by Rusmir Pobri? and Amila Dedi? from the Institute for Youth Development KULT and introduced by Haris Gudi? from IlidĹľa Municipality, Amer Omanovi? from the Secondary School of Graphic Design, Amra Boji?i? from IlidĹľa Municipality and Tanja DogandĹľi?, a young entrepreneur.

The Global Entrepreneurship Week aims to inspire as many people as possible up to the age of 30 to be acquainted with the idea of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial behaviour. Another aim is to connect youth creating new ideas. The third aim is realisation with active and inspirational entrepreneurs from all over the world training young leaders in entrepreneurship, which is the key to a national success, stated Kapetanovi?.  


In 2013, Global Entrepreneurship Week was implemented in 140 countries worldwide with 9,925 partner organisations as participants and 25,621 activities realised having 6,630,292 young participants from all over the world.

This year, the Global Entrepreneurship Week is marked from November 17 to November 23 in IlidĹľa Municipality. 


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