Public Call RS – Basic Training and Certification of Youth Officers

Basic training and certification of Youth Officers in RS – Public call (17.01.0-N2.1-88)

The Institute for Youth Development KULT is issuing a public call for Basic training and certification of Youth Officers.

The public call for training and certification of youth officers is open until 1 August 2018.

The complete text of the Public call is available HERE.

The application form is available HERE.

About the training

The Youth Officer training is intended to enable the participants to perform youth officer tasks independently, after completing a certified course on youth policy and youth work, and ensure that current or aspiring public servants dealing with youth issues are adequately trained and certified for the youth officer position.

  • The basic training program is structured into 5 compulsory modules, in a total of 120 hours. The training also includes take-home assignment, study visits and a written exam. Every module lasts 5 days.
  • The training utilizes an interactive methodological approach that allows participants to share their experiences and provide suggestions for improving the training. Every modules includes theory, application of the material learned during the training and practical work.
  • The dates for each modules will be published on the Institute’s website (
  • Certificates are awarded to participants who attended at least 80% of the training.
  • The training program covers the cost of half-board accommodation, working material and certification of each participant. The participants and/or their institutions cover the travel expenses.

Application criteria

Eligibility criteria for applicants:

  1. Public officials who work with youth at the municipal, city or cantonal level.
  2. Other interested individuals over 18, with at least a high school diploma.

Required documents

Applicants are required to submit the following documents:

  1. Filled out application form (can be found at
  2. Certified copy of your diploma/degree.
  3. Birth certificate (original or certified copy).
  4. Residence form (original or certified copy no more than 3 months old).
  5. Written permission to attend the training issued by the head of the administrative unit; option 2: special document with permission).


All the necessary documentation should be received by 1 August 2018 by mail or delivered in person to:

Institut za razvoj mladih KULT


  1. 4. viteške brigade 34-36

71210 Ilidža

Note: in order for the application to be complete, applicants must also submit the online application form by 4 pm on 1 August at the latest, without additional documentation. The online application can be accessed here:

Applications received after the deadline will not be taken into consideration. The Institute will notify all the applicants about the results by 15 August 2018 at the latest.

Duration of the training

The training will last from November 2018 to September 2019, including the final exam and the certificate award ceremony.

Note: Candidates who previously attended the Institute’s Basic training for Youth Officers but have not completed it, may attend the topics and modules they missed, and take the final exam pursuant to the Manual. These candidates must apply to the public call as usual, and list in the “Experience with youth work” section of the application all the modules they attended and attach a copy of their certificate of attendance.

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