At the Federal Government of BiH a promotion was held of The Analysis of States and Requirements of Youth in the Federation of BiH in 2013 on Friday, 13 December 2013 at 1 pm. The analysis od states and requirements in FBiH is the first comprenhensive document drafted to include research on youth in FBiH and analysis of their position through several areas of the highest importance for the youth.
This analysis was prepared in close collaboration between the governmental and non-governmental sector, or, more precisely, the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Institute for Youth Development KULT. The research is based on the legislative requirements that result from the Youth Law of FBiH and it was conducted as a starting basis to develop a youth strategy in FBiH.
During the research, special attention was provided that the resulting data can be simply classified by areas that are key for youth population: education, employment, health care, social policy, informing, participation in social life, etc. Problems and requirements were defined that should be the starting point for institutions that have in their jurisdiction some of the mentioned areas to create specific youth programmes, with concrete measures for their effective handling. The presentation of the results of the research can be seen HERE.
Representatives from governmental and non-governmental sector attended the promotion, along with the municipal and cantonal councils of FBiH, that are legal representatives of youth.
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