Orange – Because I am Against Violence! Orange UP!

Today, April 25 is – #OrangeDay, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and this time you can give your support to end sexual violence in conflict!

Conflict-related sexual violence is an ugly reality that disrupts the lives of millions of women and girls and tears communities apart, during and in the aftermath of conflict. This month’s Orange Day focuses on efforts to end this violence. More needs to be done on the ground to improve services for survivors, increase access to justice and end impunity for perpetrators.

Gender based violence is affecting girls and women more, and in BiH over 47% women suffered some form of violence, and in 2013 over 5 000 calls were directed to emergency numbers for violence victims (for FBiH – 1265 and RS – 1264).

That our society treats violence as a private matter still is confirmed by a violence survivor: “Today, unlike before, my neighbors come to my door and warn me on public disturbance when loud noises come from my apartment. The only difference is that today it is music what earlier was the voice calling for their help”.

Orange Day is an awareness-raising and support-providing campaign for violence victims in our country by UNiTE youth network and UN Secretary- General Ban Ki-Moon, and is implemented by the Institute for Youth Development KULT for 2 years now. (

Show your solidarity and send a no-violence message! Take a photo with arms crossed and upload your photo to where thousands of people showed their support in the same manner. Share your photo on Facebook or Twitter and invite others to do so too!

Be informed on sexual violence in conflict zones and the key messages on

Send a letter to your elected official asking them to intensify efforts to end sexual violence against women and girls in situations of armed conflict and other crises. You can download a sample letter from here:


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