Online Activism – We Know How to Make Changes

It is possible to fight for changes “online”! Through online activism youth can directly and indirectly contribute to their local community, but also wider, by promoting and advocating ideas and activities with positive results.

With the promotional activity “Online Activism for Beginners”, representatives of the Institute for Youth Development KULT introduced the citizens of Sarajevo today with Internet tools that can be used to make social changes. Around 500 brochures were distributed that describe the advantages of using the Internet for activism. The brochure presents over 10 online tools with detailed instructions – how, when, where and for which purpose they can be used. 

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“With simple Internet tools you can make your own website, a page on Facebook and account on Twitter, make a video and upload it easily, organise livestreams of events. You can organise an online petition, gather funds for a new idea, present a research and describe it on a blog. All these platforms can be interconnected” – explained Mirela Ajanovi?, UMiD Online project coordiantor of the Institute for Youth Development KULT.

She added that these are simply tools that can make the process easier, but that real changes are made by citizens through their activities.

“We are plaesed that the citizens of Sarajevo, youth in particular, were really interested in hearing what we had to say. I am glad that youth shared positive experiences with us and that some of them already use online tools efficiently and are already acting as good activists” – concluded Ajanovi?.

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