Never Too Early For New Companies to Start Advocating for Human Rights

The project “Improving Human Rights Corporate Accountability in the BiH Business Sector” funded by the European Union and implemented by the Institute for Youth Development KULT in partnership with the FBiH Employers’ Association promotes and motivates companies and associations to sign the Charter on Business and Human Rights.

Project: Adam is a start-up whose innovative approach is gradually taking over the market. Project: Adam is built around a socially responsible idea of protecting the environment through the use of E-business cards.   Today they joined the ranks of many companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina that signed the Charter on Business and Human Rights.

In addition to upholding the values from the Charter, Project: Adam will be taking advantage of the opportunities provided on the platform for the systemic development of corporate volunteering in BiH.  They want to lead by example in showing the benefits of corporate volunteering when it comes to employee satisfaction. The Director of Project: Adam, Ismar Lačević, shared his motivation behind joining this initiative:

“This initiative builds trust in companies that invest their resources in doing good and acknowledge the importance of human rights and the rights of their employees. This is the first initiative of its kind in BiH, this is the first time I’ve seen the focus on employees and the communities that companies operate in. I believe this initiative is an opportunity for companies to uplift their employees and uphold their values.”

The Charter on Business and Human Rights and the web platform were created through the project “Improving Human Rights Corporate Accountability in the BiH Business Sector” implemented by the Institute for Youth Development KULT in cooperation with the FBiH Employers’ Association and with the financial support of the European Union.

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