Municipal Council of Tomislavgrad Adopts Youth Strategy

The proposed Youth Strategy of Tomislavgrad Municipality, which incorporates the Action Plan 2013-2015, was unanimously adopted at the Municipal Council Session held on 21 March 2013. The very document has emerged as the ultimate result of the cooperation established between youth coordinators, Youth Council of Tomislavgrad Municipality and high school students. The Youth Strategy has been passed by the legislative and executive municipal authorities, the umbrella youth association, the Youth Council of Tomislavgrad Municipality and active young people.

The Strategy has consequently become a binding document that contains precisely defined deadlines for the implementation of certain programmes and activities, and financial assets needed for their implementation. The Youth Strategy aims at improving the position of young people in the local community, i.e. providing young people with the opportunity to develop their potential and abilities, in order to become useful members of the community and exert their influence over the reduction of unacceptable behavior among young people, which can not be accomplished overnight.

Therefore, the approach to a particular problem by means of developing a youth strategy represents the way of addressing the problems and meeting the needs of young people in a systematic and planned manner.



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