Ministry of Labor and Social Policy Strengthens Cooperation with Civil Society Organizations

The Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Policy organized a meeting with representatives of civil society organizations on the topic of strengthening the cooperation and professional inclusion of these organizations in the processes of situation analyses and identification of possible legal solutions within the field of social and child protection on Thursday, March 3, 2016.

With the support of the USAID Strengthening Governmental Institutions Project (SGIP), the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Policy is conducting numerous activities directed towards developing the evaluation of effects and of the text of several laws in the area of social and child protection. Particular attention is being dedicated to the areas of housing, protection of families with children, social services and social work activity.

The meeting was attended by Mr. Vesko Drlja?a from the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Mr. Christian Houpt, the USAID SGIP Director, Mrs. Sanela Peripovi?, USAID SGIP Deputy Director, Miroslav Juriši?, Social and Child Protection Assistant of Minister and representatives of numerous civil society organizations.

According to Mr. Drlja?a, the Ministry used this gathering to express the readiness for an even greater cooperation with all interested subjects, and all for the purpose of further strengthening of the process of including the civil society organizations in the stated processes. Thus, Ministry representatives have the opportunity to hear expert and constructive proposals that can significantly contribute to defining the best and realistically implementable public policy options in the field of social and child protection. Representatives of civil society organizations support this working method and they will continue to provide their support to the Ministry of Work and Social Politics through their expertise, knowledge, analyses and other activities. 


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