Kids Learn About Love, Respect and Empathy

Educational-Leisure Center for Youth SPAJALICA hosted the 5th and 6th module of the UMiD Kids training. After all the online learning and socializing on video, we were all excited about spending time together again. The 27 participants of these two modules were divided into two groups so we can comply with physical distancing rules, but we all learned about the same topics – Love, Respect and Empathy.

The kids learned about the basic definitions of these terms, and gave their own interpretations. One of the most important tasks of the training was teaching the children to recognize love, respect and empathy in their own and other people’s behavior.

In addition to learning and socializing, we found time to make delicious pancakes. The kids were responsible for preparing the ingredients, serving pancakes and cleaning up, and our trainers supported them throughout.

The children and their parents were thrilled with the training, and said that they are grateful and impatient to meet again at the end of June. Sajma Čenanović, participant Afan’s mom, had this to say about the training: “Wonderful, the kids loved it! We’re looking forward to seeing everyone again.”

UMiD Kids is an interactive educational program for children, consisting of 12 modules dealing with topics relevant to a child’s intellectual, emotional and sociological development. The goal of this program is to improve children’s confidence, deepen their connection with parents, their school and friends, to help them see themselves and others in context and more clearly, to develop a sensibility to others and themselves.  

UMiD Kids is implemented by the Institute for Youth Development KULT with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in BiH.


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