

Businessmen and Representatives of Relevant Institutions Will Soon Discuss Budget Incentives and Perspective Branches of Economy in BiH

Which branch of economy was allocated with the most, and which was allocated with the least of budget money in the past two...


Education and Fun for Kids at “Little Business World”

Through a combination of a fair, workshop and playgroup, children were presented with various occupations and jobs at “Little Business World”. It was...


Institute for Youth Development KULT in Little Business World

How many times have your own children or other kids confided in you on what they wish to do when they grow up?...


Coffee Time with Youth Workers at SPAJALICA

The guests of this months’ Coffee Time with…, which will be held on 2 September, are Diana Duškaj and Tarik Kova?, associate experts...


Training of Second Generation of Associate Experts on Youth Work

Elma ?utura from Ilijaš is one of 26 people from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina selected to pass the Associate Experts on Youth...


The School of Friendship Celebrates Birthday of SOS SUPERBUS

The Superbus, a mobile and educational programme of the SOS Kinderdorf, celebrated its 11th birthday that was attended by the children from The...


Institute’s Scholars on Seminar in Italy

In the end of previous month, three scholars of the Institute (Nedim Zekovi?, Senka Imamovi? and Ajla Haskovi?) participated in a training intended...


How to Protect Oneself from/on Internet?

At the Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA, as a part of the JUPPO Project, a workshop was held for youth related to using...


Attendants of School of Friendship Visit Sinalco and Milkos

In collaboration with the Association Kupujmo i koristimo doma?e (Buy and Use Domestic Products) the attendants of the School of Friendship had the...