

How Can We Improve the Entrepreneurial System in BiH?

Experts from various fields came together on 18 June 2018 in Sarajevo, for the “Social Innovation and Start-ups – Practice, Challenges and Steps...


Only Concrete Action Can Meet Youth Expectations

The political crisis in BiH can be solved only by thoroughly reforming the parties that have been in power for the past 20...


Youth Can and Should Lobby

During the fifth module, the 13th generation of the Learn, Think and Act! training learned about lobbying and public advocacy. During the module,...


Activism in Action

Visoko was recently a hotspot of activism and youth socializing. The first youth activist festival “Kriv(a) sam” (eng. Guilty as Charged) was held...


Skopje Hosts Conference on Youth Employment

Employment issues were the main topic of the first Regional forum on youth employment, held on June 20 and 21, 2018 in Skopje,...


Coffee Time With… Presidential Candidates

In BiH, having a cup of coffee is always a good excuse to talk about different topics, and the position of youth should...


Development of Travnik Youth Strategy Begins

Travnik should soon be getting a youth strategy for the 2019-2022 period. The first meeting of leaders of working groups in charge of...


Youth Speak: We Need Education and Prosperity, Not National Rhetoric

Youth in BiH don’t need any more discussions about issues of nationality, they want more non-formal education, more opportunities to improve and use...


Active Youth – Step Ahead to Joint Changes

Youth must be given a chance to be the driving force behind changes in their community – this is one of the conclusions...