Institute Publishes Survey on Needs and Position of Youth in FBiH in English

In 2013, the Institute for Youth Development KULT, in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports conducted a survey on the position and needs of youth in FBiH. The survey, titled “Towards a Youth Policy in FBiH” was published in December 2013 in Bosnian, and several days ago an English version was published as well (access it here).

The data presented in the survey are a wake up call of sorts, for both the government at all levels and for youth. The survey yielded disconcerting data on the position of youth in FBiH. The fact that 67% of youth are unemployed speaks volumes of the position youth are in. Another significant problem is the lack of alignment of the education system and the labour market which creating professionals who are not competitive in the labour market. This state of affairs leaves room for informal education, which could fill the gaps left after completing formal education. However, another persistent problem is the fact that employers, institutions, etc. do not recognize informal education as completely valid.

It is important to emphasise the misconception related to youth voter turnout. Youth comprise 21.4% of the electorate, and 54.6% of them voted during the October 2012 elections, which is close to the general voter turnout of 56.6%.

It should also be noted that the perception of “eternal students” is groundless. The average age of students in BiH is 20.6 years, which is not significantly different from the corresponding average in EU member states.

The survey shows that all elements of society must participate in improving the position of youth in BiH. 


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