Improving Position of Youth a Priority for Organisations in BiH

At the initiative of the Institute for Youth Development KULT a meeting called “Partnership for Youth” was held for representatives of organisations dealing with youth issues.

 Youth are a prominent topic in public discourse and political speeches, more so now than ever, but they have also never been scarcer in local communities. More and more youth are leaving BiH every day. What is offered to youth is not enough for an active, fulfiled and successful life, which is what prompted this meeting.

 Representatives of organisations that have been dealing with youth issues for years met in Sarajevo to discuss the amendments to the Law on Youth Organising in RS, adoption of the Youth Law of FBiH, Youth Law of Brčko District, laws on volunteering in all three administrative units in BiH, promotion of youth legislation, support to governments at all levels in implementing legislation, drafts of youth strategies and policies, adopted youth strategies, several analysis, introducing current issues such as security, mobility, fighting extremism, promoting youth work, activities of youth clubs and centers, and supporting umbrella youth organisations.

Partnership for Youth is a work meeting of leading organisation in the field of youth work and youth policies in BiH, and is intended to foster new ideas and a shared vision of the future of the sector, including the segments that require a united front and mobilisation of joint resources and initiatives to improve the position of youth in BiH.

This work meeting is only an introduction into upcoming intensive efforts to improve the position of youth.

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