Improving Human Rights Corporate Accountability in BiH

Bosnia and Herzegovina is faced with a problem posed by the lack of respect for basic human rights in the business sector. Workers are considered an underprotected category, but there are no official data on the actual situation.

In order to improve the respect for human rights in the business sector, the Institute for Youth Development KULT, with the financial support of the European Union and in cooperation with partners, launched an initiative to improve human rights in the BiH business sector.

The partnership agreement with the Employers’ Association of FBiH was signed on 11 February 2019 in Sarajevo and Coca Cola BiH and the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of BiH will be supporting the project.

What is the goal of this initiative?

The initiative intends to promote the principles of human rights in the corporate sector in BiH. At the same time, it intends to encourage political and institutional dialogue on developing a state agenda on human rights in the corporate sector.


The goal is to promote concrete programs for corporate volunteering that help BiH companies and CSOs to protect human rights and support marginalised groups in accessing their rights.

The initiative will include a survey on the respect of human rights in the BiH business sector, and the results will be used as the foundation for creating guidelines intended to improve the situation with regards to human rights in the business sector.

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