Representatives of organizations selected to receive financial support through the WeB4YES public call took part in a training held in Belgrade on September 5-7, 2019, intended to build their capacities, and improve their skills and knowledge they need to successfully implement projects. During the training, representatives of the Belgrade Open School provided the grantees with instructions on the project implementation process and planning of public advocacy campaigns.
On Friday, September 6, the Belgrade Open School held a contract signing ceremony for Western Balkans CSOs who received financial support from the EU.
Support provided with these grants will allow 18 organizations to implement projects focused on youth employability and entrepreneurship during 2019 and 2020. Representatives of grantees received their contracts from Milorad Bjeletić, Executive Director of the Belgrade Open School and Steffen Hudolin, Head of Operations, Section 2 of the Delegation of the EU to the Republic of Serbia.
The Initiative WeB4YES will last until the end of 2020, and is supported by the European Commission, as a part of the Civil Society Facility and Media Program 2016-2017, Support to regional thematic networks of CSOs. The project coordinator is the Belgrade Open School, and partners on the project, in addition to the Institute, are the Association for Democratic Prosperity – ZID (Monte Negro), NGO Lens (Kosovo), Association Beyond Barriers (Albania), National Youth Council of Macedonia and International Olof Palme Center (Sweden).
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