Frenkie: I Was Also on the Verge of Leaving

You should take the chaos in BiH in your own hands, and make it work for you, said the famous BiH rapper Adnan Hamidović Frenkie to young people from BiH, participants of the Institute’s training “Learn, Think and Act!” (UMiD)

Frankie’s conversation the 14th generation of UMiD participants was part of the now traditional “Coffee Time With…” program, that the Institute introduced to connect youth with prominent public figures. Frenkie talked to youth about the challenges he faced in life, how he overcame obstacles, his education and the beginning of his music career, and about youth leaving – a problem that BiH has been facing for the last few years.

I also had people close to me leave. My family and I were one step away from deciding to leave the country, but we stayed because staying and fighting to improve the current situation is worth the effort – said Frenkie during his conversation with youth.

He talked about a positive rebellion of young people, and how to act in your local community.

For more than 10 years, the Institute has been conducting a certified training for youth leaders called “Learn, Think and Act!” which allows the participants to build their self-esteem, explore their abilities and potential, develop a sense of social responsibility, and learn the skills they need to manage a business.

Conversations with inspiring public figures from different fields are a way to encourage youth to become better leaders and make change happen in the society.

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