Fighting Against Human Trafficking

Forced labour in the agricultural and construction sectors, industry, forced home slavery, forced marriages, forced organized begging, all which present the most notable forms of human trafficking for labour exploitation purposes, are recognized by youth, together with children a category most exposed to these threats, as serious issues. Twenty concerned youths took an educative course on the topic of human trafficking in order to pass on their knowledge to their peers in recognizing and protecting yourself from this problem of global proportions.

Young people from various local communities in BiH have acquired the skills of peer educators during the three-day training course. These skills will help them lead workshops which they themselves will organize with their peers in their local communities. The peer education training on human trafficking was conducted by the Institute in cooperation with the Caritas of Bishop’s Conference of BiH, sponsored by the German International Cooperation Agency GIZ.

The three-day training course named Human Trafficking: The Current Situation and Ways to Protect Yourself has helped all participants to get acquainted with the problem of human trafficking and to recognize the dangers which human trafficking presents, in their local communities and throughout the world.

The participants were introduced to the indicators of human trafficking for labour exploitation purposes, and they were trained to become educators qualified to pass on their knowledge to their local community peers.

The three-day training course was followed by a diverse programme, including lectures by people who are directly involved in preventing human trafficking through state security structures, who were generous enough to pass on some of their knowledge and skills to the participants. During the lectures, the participants were able to watch a domestic film Sisters as well as the film Taken, both dealing with victims of human trafficking and its organization.


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