Event for Youth Officers: How to Build a Youth-Friendly Community

Everyday work done by Youth Officers in local communities is very important for the development of these communities, and for all the young people they work with. That is why elevating and perfecting the position of Youth Officer is one of the priorities of the Institute for Youth Development KULT. Joining forces is the only way to improve the position of youth in our country and help them become truly active citizens.

The Youth Officer seminar titled “How to Build a Youth-Friendly Community – Implementation of Youth Laws” is intended for Youth Officers interested in learning more about the mechanisms defined in youth laws, how they are implemented in local communities, and exploring possibilities for cooperation with other Youth Officers.

Bosnia and Herzegovina regulated youth work in three laws, in all three administrative units. These laws have the same definitions of youth, and share some youth work mechanisms. Still, the role of Youth Officers is not equally recognized in all local self-government units, and the implementation of the legal mechanisms is not happening at the same pace in all parts of BiH.

The importance of implementing all legal mechanisms for youth, the actual implementation and Youth Officer’s needs when it comes to implementation are some of the topics of the third seminar for youth officers in BiH.  Over the course of several days, Youth Officers will discuss ways to successfully implement legal mechanisms defined in youth laws, and to improve their cooperation with other services in local communities, all of which is aimed at improving the position of youth.

The event will include around 25 Youth Officers from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Data, recommendations and opinions gathered during the event on all discussed topics will be made available to relevant institutions competent for youth issues at all levels of government, and used to create future trainings for Youth Officers.

Eligible applicants are exclusively Youth Officers from all levels of governments in BiH, who have already completed the Basic training for Youth Officers or are currently taking part in it.

The seminar will be held from July 9 to July 12, 2019, starting at 3:30 pm.

If you would like to take part, please fill out the online application available here: https://mladi.org/myURL/seminar3szm.

The Institute for Youth Development KULT will cover the costs of organizing the seminar, provide materials for the sessions and cover full board accommodation costs. The Institute will not cover travel expenses.

Participants will be notified about the location at a later date.

If you have any question, please contact us by phone 033 778 765 or send an email to katarina.vuckovic@kultbih.org.

The application deadline is Wednesday, 3 July 2019, 1:00 pm.

NOTE: Please be advised that all participants who have been selected will be notified by email, by 5 July 2019.


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