Does BiH Want Young People to Stay?

The Institute for Youth Development KULT launched the #necudaidem campaign at the beginning of this year, to draw the attention of government representatives and competent institutions to challenges faced by youth every day, and the problem posed by youth leaving the country in large numbers.

The campaign isn’t telling youth to stay or go, it is intended to draw attention to the need for strategic action aimed at creating an environment that will make young people of BiH want to stay, instead of leaving, because BiH could give them a chance to contribute and live up to their potential.

The ultimate goal is to encourage the competent authorities to take concrete measures to address the fact that youth are leaving this country.

Youth in this country, according to young people themselves, need security and a chance to build a bright future. They need active policies with long-term measures that will define positive approaches to issues that are relevant and most important to youth. They need measures that will define a better educational system, access to the labor market, housing policy, security.

What does this mean in practical terms?

A strategic approach means that active employment measures will not be defined annually. That young people in this country will know that the state will support them in becoming homeowners next year, instead of such decisions being made depending on who’s currently in power and how much they care about youth. That education will have a practical use and that they won’t be afraid to report corruption.

That’s when BiH will be a place where young people want to live and contribute to society.

Today is August 12, International Youth Day, celebrated around the world. While other countries dedicate it to transforming education and new technologies, in BiH it is celebrated in the midst of a mass exodus of youth, unemployment, and lack of access to basic human rights.

This year, like the years before it, BiH celebrates this day burdened by unimplemented laws and lack of strategic documents, while counting young people who are leaving along and the myriad reasons why. In the meantime, no concrete solutions are being offered.

BiH does not have a state-level youth law, and entities are not implementing their Youth Laws entirely. There is no strategic document for youth issues at the state level, either. FBiH also doesn’t have a strategy, and Brčko District is planning to start working on theirs this year. Republika Srpska has been adopting strategies for years, but the question remains – how well are they implemented?

So, does BiH want young people to stay?

Document drafting processes are being announced, themed sessions are being scheduled, issues are being discussed locally, but where are the solutions?

How long should young people wait for some action that will finally make them want to say #necudaidem.

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