Another “Coffee With…” was organised at the Educational-Leisure Centre SPAJALICA in Ilidža today. SPAJALICA’s guest was Dennis Gratz, the president of “Naša Stranka” (Our Party). In a relaxing atmosphere and in presence of young people, Dennis Gratz spoke of the importance of political engagement in Bosnia and Herzegovina and refuted prejudice on political abstinence of youth.
– ”I engaged in politics to fulfil the patriotic duty to myself because I consider engaging in politics to be a duty of each individual. I do not believe I will deal with politics all my life because it is not my primary call, but dealing with it is my duty. Youth in “Our Party” always have the opportunity to decontaminate directly the BiH political scene. Youth are active in forums at regional level. In communicating with youth, we primarily with to explain why we are in politics and what we can do in that field.” stated Dennis Gratz.
At the “Coffee With”, we openly discussed the space for youth in politics in which we can and must act in order to improve the general impression on politics as the oldest trade. We also discussed the opportunities to activate youth and the benefits for their daily life, if youth decide to vote instead of abstaining.
“Youth often enter politics with proposals and initiatives having a brilliant echo in direct field politics. Youth share interests with those older than them, but must not be cut off for being a direct signal and a social change detector. This is why youth must never give up the electoral process and thus the staying and living in BiH.”, added Gratz during “Coffee With” at SPAJALICA.
We concluded that major changes are about to disrupt the BiH political skies and that the generation reaching 18 and above now made this happen. As Gratz said, these people think differently and can take great steps towards a better tomorrow in this country, where youth are truly a resource and definitely not a problem.
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