Changes Start in Our Own Back Yard

Changes start in our own back yard, and spread to the local community. This is the motto of most socially responsible citizens and activists.

This was also the motivation for members of the Association for Multiple Sclerosis of East Herzegovina to organize a forestation activity in the municipality Nevesinje, on April 20, 2018.

40 primary and secondary school students took part in this activity, and worked with this Association’s activists on planting several dozen maple trees. The activity was organized to celebrate International Earth Day.

This spring cleaning activity was supported by the Institute for Youth Development KULT, as one of the activities in the initiative “Clean air – because we breathe!”. Trees were planted on several locations, including the front yards of education institutions, the Partisan cemetery and in the Lapčevine and Kilavci neighbourhoods.

The Institute for Youth Development KULT provided financial support to this activity, as a part of the implementation of local civil initiatives across Bosnia and Herzegovina.

A Local Civil Initiative (LCI) is a citizen-led action or activity intended to improve the local community and the society. Civil activities can be led by individuals or groups, in order to draw attention to and address concrete problems in their community.


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