Ceremony of Opening “Dialogue: Youth Strategy in FBiH”

A ceremony of opening “Dialogue: Youth Strategy” was held today. It is the first public event organised by the Working Group for developing the Strategy, in order to perform consultation and open dialogue with relevant organisations in FBiH youth sector and with youth.

The dialogue was opened by Mrs Zora Dujmovi?, Federal Minister of Culture and Sports, Mr. Jasmin Beši?, Executive Director of the Institute for Youth Development KULT and by Dr. Doina Bologa, the Director of United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA).

Around 80 non-governmental organisations dealing with youth issues, youth associations and Youth Councils will participate during the two days of the dialogue.

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The document, as the Minister Zora Dujmovi? emphasized, will not be a purpose in its own. That is precisely why, she claims, a vast number of organisations and associations has been gathered. All for the purpose of jointly finding the best solutions for youth. The issue of youth has to be the issue of all the ministries and institutions that include working with youth as a part of their jurisdiction. Youth Strategy has to be the key document that will gather a set of measures and activities of governmental youth policies – added Zora Dujmovi?, the Federal Minister of Culture and Sports.

Jasmin Beši?, Executive Director of the Institute for Youth Development KULT, emphasized, in context of youth issues in BiH, that youth laws suggested by KULT, and adopted by FBiH Parliament, are not enough to improve the position of youth. As he added, they simply enabled both the authorities and youth to organise and distribute their roles better.

Youth Policy that is brought with no youth participation is no good policy. That is why today we invited all the interested organisations and individuals to state openly what kind of surroundings they wish to live in so as to include their suggestions in a document that will later on be obligatory for the authorites. By developing the strategic document of supporting the youth we are one step closer to measures that are visible for the youth and that will enable a more quality lifestyle, not in some country in western Europe, but here – concluded Jasmin Beši?, the Executive Director of the Institute for Youth development KULT.

As the greatest benefit of the event, Doina Bologa, the Director of United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), emphasized the inclusion of youth in the process of creating the Strategy. I greet the vast efforts of the organisers, youth representatives, ministries and all the organisations involved. The aim of these events is to promote dialogue between different non-governmental organisations but also between non-governemtal organisations and representatives of authorities. Youth voice has to be heard – emphasized Doina Bolona, the Director of United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

Adopting Youth Strategy, at all federal levels, is conditioned by Youth Law of FBiH, the implementation of which was initiated by the Institute for Youth Development KULT and which was adopted in June 2010. The Government of FBiH is currently in the process of making the first strategic youth document in the entity. The process of developing Youth Strategy is coordinated by the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports, and the Institute for Youth Development KULT was designated by a resolution from the FBiH governemnt to provide expert-advisory support in the process.

The event was organised as a part of Strengthening Youth Structures project, with the support of theEuropean Union and UNFPA.

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