Call for PRO-Future Small Grants Published – Apply Now!

Grants for initiatives that contribute to the reconciliation process, build trust in BiH, advocate for peace, promote a common vision for a stable future and connect local communities are continuously provided funds through small grants awarded by USAID’s PRO-Future project.

The public call is open to: youth associations, informal youth groups, associations of civilian war victims, Churches and religious communities and NGOs focused on promoting interreligious dialogue, CSOs and municipalities/cities where the PRO-Future project is implemented.

This year, the applicants are required to shape their ideas and proposals in accordance with the Platform for Peace (click for more information), which is a result of years of intensive work within the PRO-Future project in local communities across BiH.

Application deadline and procedure

The applicants are required to submit their applications with all the required forms (available below) online, by 3 pm on November 22, 2019, using the following link:

Areas of interest and forms

The project proposals must concern peacebuilding and building trust in BiH.

Funds, i.e. small grants will be available for activities/initiatives in the areas listed below.
Click on the document name listed for each area to open the set of forms for applying:

Small grants for supporting youth (Links: PUBLIC CALL and Project proposal FORM)
Small grants for CSOs (Links: PUBLIC CALL and Project proposal FORM)
Small grants for supporting associations of civilian war victims (Links: PUBLIC CALL and Project proposal FORM)
Small grants for interreligious dialogue (Links: PUBLIC CALL and Project proposal FORM)
Small grants for supporting municipalities/cities (Links: PUBLIC CALL and Project proposal FORM)

The form for the budget is identical for all applicants and available HERE.

USAID’s project PRO-Future is implemented by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in cooperation with Caritas BiH, the Institute for Youth Development KULT, Forum of Citizens of Tuzla (FGT) and the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly (hCA).

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