Another Step Forward To Improve Local Communities

The participants of the training for young leaders “UMiD 14” finished their summer school program, where they learned about self-empowerment, human rights and conflict resolution. They all agree that they are now better able to build their capacities and improve their communities.

From July 14 to July 20, 15 young people from all parts of BiH had an opportunity to learn about their own potential, conquer their fears, recognize when their human rights were violated and how to effectively fight for their rights. During these 7 days, in addition to learning, the participants also had ample opportunity to spend time together, which led to new friendships and stronger bonds. The next step for the participants is implementation of their local initiatives designed to improve their local communities, and summer school was an opportunity for them to network and talk about how they can help each other.

“We had all been waiting for it impatiently, the 7th module, three topics: self-empowerment, human rights and conflict resolution. All my expectations have been met, I spent 7 days at SPAJALICA with “my team”, “my people”. We hung out, learned from each other, laughed, cracked jokes and cried together. I enjoyed every second of it, I eagerly accepted new information and tried to share my experience with others. Our trainer Mirela got us started on the topic of human rights, and trainer Aziz took over and his calm and authentic approach brought out the most sincere and repressed emotions out of us. These topics touched everyone’s heart, pierced all the armors, brought down all the walls. For me, every part of the module was equally important, wonderful, and powerful, boosted by the energy of our group. I’m proud of us!” – Irena Stanišić, Bijeljina. resizeimage 1

In September, the participants will come together again to learn more about the labor market and how to present themselves to potential employers.

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