Ilijaš Municipality Adopts Draft Youth Strategy

The Municipality of Ilijaš continues to recognize the needs and problems of young people and work on developing youth-friendly policies and programs. The Ilijaš Municipal Council adopted their Draft Youth Strategy with an action plan for 2023-2028.

The Draft Youth Strategy is the result of the cooperation of the Institute for Youth Development KULT with the Municipality of Ilijaš, the Department for Social and Local Community Affairs of the Municipality of Ilijaš, the coordinating body and working groups that contributed to the drafting of this strategic document. The FBiH Ministry of Culture and Sports supported these activities.

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The document offers a systemic approach to youth and focuses on the needs of young people through several key areas (education, employment, health care, social care, activism, safety…). In addition to the action plans, the strategy offers institutional mechanisms for youth to access their rights.

The Strategy will improve the support system for secondary education, foster a youth-friendly business environment, provide social security and preventative healthcare, promote cultural and sports activities, and educate young people about various forms of violence.

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By adopting this Draft Youth Strategy, the Municipality of Ilijaš provides systemic care for youth and shows commitment to improving their position in this local community.

The draft development process was preceded by a survey on the position and needs of youth in Ilijaš.

The Institute for Youth Development KULT will continue cooperating with the Municipality of Ilijaš, which continues to demonstrate its commitment to improving the lives of its young people.

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