Vareš Gets New Tourist Information Boards

Vareš is not a ghost town, according to this town’s youth who are active in the association “Initiative”. They want to restore their town’s youthful spirit and use different activities to engage their fellow citizens and the general public.

Vareš has important cultural and historical sights and youth decided to promote them. They started by giving the streets of their town a new dimension. Now every street tells its own story. The names of the streets and their stories written on boards are another interesting sight for tourists who visit this town more and more every day.

Young activists believe that this activity will raise citizens’ awareness about the importance of their town in the past. The history of Vareš should not be forgotten, and these young people what to remind everyone how important this small town was for BiH. Of course, the main goal of this project was to provide information and directions to citizens and visitors.

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The Institute for Youth Development KULT gave its contribution to improving Vareš’s tourism by supporting this initiative as a part of the program for implementing local civil initiatives across BiH. The Institute supported youth in their efforts to put up information boards, so that Vareš can have this type of information like many other towns already do.

A local civil initiative (LCI) is an action or citizen-led activity aimed at improving the situation in their local community and the society. Civil activities can involve individuals or groups, and are intended to address concrete problems in their communities.

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