Where Is Modern Communication With Youth Taking Us?

Communicating with youth, public relations and social networks were only a few of the topics in the communication-focused module of the Training for expert associates on youth work.

Through theory and practice, the participants learned different techniques for engaging in quality communication with youth.

“It was important for me to re-examine my communication with youth, and I decided I need to work on communicating with youth more efficiently, and pay more attention to certain youth groups I work with. This module will help me improve my communication on behalf of the organisation, but also within the organisation.” – Nedim, Sarajevo.

Adapting communication channels to youth was the most interesting topic for the participants, because using new technologies and keeping up with trends is one of the major challenges in youth work.

During the five days that they were learning about communication skills, they had the opportunity to talk to Boriša Falatar, presidential candidate, during “Coffee Time With… candidates for BiH Presidency”, held by the Institute for Youth Development KULT.

omladinski radnici modul 2

By doing so, the Institute is enabling meaningful encounters of young people public figures, politicians, and other inspiring and successful people from BiH with groups of young people, so they can talk about their experiences, ideas and public issues relevant to youth.

“This module helped me understand the importance of communication and public relations in youth work. The topics in this module are very relevant to me as a future youth worker.”- Alem, Travnik.

Expert associates youth work (more commonly known as youth workers) are persons employed at youth centres, youth clubs, youth organisations, organisations working with youth or public institutions supporting the development of young people. Expert associates support the professional, personal and educational development of youth. By working with youth on different ideas and initiatives, expert associates are working on the development of their communities.

The training is implemented by the Institute for Youth Development KULT with the support of the Olof Palme International Centre from Sweden.

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