The School of Friendship Finishes Its Annual Activities

The School of Friendship finished its annual activities last week. After spending time together for 9 months and organising almost 160 workshops with 400 hours of learning and socialising, and around 10 field trips, summer vacation, eagerly expected by attendants and mentioned with joy since winter holidays, is finally here. In the last week, besides the regular activities, learning and games, the attendants spent time at the Thermal Riviera of IlidĹľa, and at the Municipality of IlidĹľa, for the purpose of introducing themselves with the activities of local authorities. On this occasion we thank the kind employees of the Municipality of IlidĹľa that cordially hosted us at the Municipality building and invited us to a pleasant conversation with the employees of the Service for Education, Culture, Sports and Information.

Overall, June was the month of playing out in the open, drawing with chalk, learning dance choreographies, volleyball, soccer, and English language. We particularly mention the delicious barbecue we organised for the celebration of the ending of the annual activities of The School of Friendship. So here we thank the chain of butcheries Mujani? for providing The School of Friendship with (more than) enough quality and delicious ?evap?i?i. J

We greet everyone from The School of Friendship and invite you to join us the following year in our quest for new knowledge, friendships and games.

Enjoy the June photos!

Mubina, Amra, Ajla, Hana, DĹľenana, Edisa, Amina, Admira, Muamera and numerous other volunteers of The School of Friendship send you their warmest regards!


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