Certificates for 3rd Generation of Expert Associates for Youth Work

After completing their training and sitting the final test, the participants of the training for Expert Associates for Youth Work were awarded certificates and certificates of participation. Thirteen participants from twelve local communities in BiH became certified Expert Associates for Youth Work. 

This is the third generation of Expert Associates for Youth Work. All participants took a final test, and the best among them received certificates. 

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Expert Associates for Youth Work or, as they are more frequently called, Youth Officers, are persons offering structured and well-planned support to youth in the process of development and becoming independent. This support is intended to improve their social and personal development and help them become active members of the community. At the initiative of the Institute for Youth Development KULT, the Expert Associate for Youth Work was included in the job position classification of the Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

During the training, the participants learned and shared their experiences with organizational skills, social competences for youth work, public advocacy skills, types and models of youth work in BiH and beyond, involving youth in decision-making processes and legislation concerning youth work and volunteering.

One of the participants, Miloš Blagojevi? from Banja Luka was visibly thrilled with the training, saying that he took it very seriously and is planning to use everything he learned in his work with youth in his community and as the Secretary of the Republika Srpska Youth Council. He says non-formal education encourages him to be a better leader for youth, and motivates him as a parent.

This is the third generation of Expert Associates for Youth Work that the Institute has worked with in order to increase the number of high-quality and active youth work professionals in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Our goal is to support people working directly with youth in youth organizations and organizations dealing with youth issues, as well as other organisations and institutions in order to improve the position of youth in all parts of BiH. 

certifikati sluzbenici -  2017


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