Over 20,000 Business Owners for Changes in Law on VAT

In order to intensify the process of changing the Law on VAT, the Institute for Youth Development KULT started the initiative of signing a letter of support for the process of introducing changes in the Law on Value Added Tax in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The letter of support is primarily intended for business owners and in only 5 days, it was signed by over 20,000 business owners gathered around chambers of economy and crafts and by associations that focus on aiding the economy.

The Institute for Youth Development KULT advocates for introducing changes in the Law on Value added Tax according to which the taxpayers would pay the VAT after collecting their receivables and not by the 10th of the month, as the current Law stipulates.

Current legal provisions are creating a business environment in which small and medium businesses are often obliged to terminate their business, so that introducing changes is necessary.

In the following period, the Institute will continue gathering letters of support and advocating for changes in the Law on VAT with governmental representatives.

The letter of support is available on the following link: www.podrzi.poslovniprostorbh.org.

The Institute for Youth Development KULT, in the last 15 years of its work, has been successfully working on development and implementation of legal solutions that contribute to improvement of the social position of youth and citizens in general. Considering that the economic issues are the source of most youth problems, the Institute vehemently advocates for the activities and initiatives related to creating a better business environment in BiH, not just for youth, but for all business owners.

Advocating for the changes in the Law is conducted as a part of the “BH Business Site” initiative, managed by the Institute for Youth Development KULT and which is the part of Civil Society Sustainability Project in Bosnia and Herzegovina (CSSP), realized by the Centers of Civil initiatives (CCI) and the Center for Promoting the Civil Society (CPCD) and supported by the US Agency for International Development (USAID).


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