Students Must Acquire Practical Knowledge before Entering Labor Market

After acquiring a diploma at the institutions of higher education, youth do not possess enough practical knowledge that they could relate with their theoretical knowledge – was the conclusion of the Round Table entitled “Communication between the Labor Market and the Market of Higher Education – Role of the Media” held in Sarajevo on March 31, 2016. 

As emphasized during the discussion, during the emplyoment process employers mostly search for persons with work experience, which is an aggravating circumstance for youth who lack practical classes during their studies. One of the main topics was establishing the connections between educational institutions and employers, in order for youth to be prepared for the labor market after completing their studies. 

According to the opinion of the Round Table participants, a great disadvantage is also the inadequate system of enrollment quotas, so year after year the BiH society is faced with the problem of surplus in certain occupations. 

“The study programs have to be coordinated with the labor market. We cannot allow ourselves to educate youth for foreign labor markets, because that concept cannot be the perspective of the BiH market. We need educated and trained youth who will build this society and make it better” – stated Belma Gijo from the Institute for Youth Development KULT, one of the participants of the Round Table. 

The Round Table was organized by the Akademac Association that aims to improve higher education and gathers around 60 influential individuals from the spheres of higher education, business and political and social life. 

The Akademac Association will in the following period advocate for establishing a special body in every faculty that will focus on connecting the employers with the faculties so as to work more intensively on introducing practice into education.


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