Dialogue on Youth Employability – ho?u.ba

The 9th discussion in the campaign for greater youth employability in BiH that was made as a response to the fact that 67% of youth is unemployed which places BiH in the last place in Europe was held on 23 December, at 13:00, at Networks in Sarajevo. In addition to unemployment, the organizers placed particular focus to the inactivity of youth in the labor market and an exceptionally small number of those who additionally improve and develop their skills (according to the UN research, only 25% have experience in non-formal education, 10% of them are volunteering and 7% of youth are members of a youth organization).

Elmedin Konakovi?, the Prime Minister of the Canton of Sarajevo opened the dialogue by presenting the measures that this Government of the Canton of Sarajevo will conduct in the following period and the steps that have already been taken. Afterwards, the Report on Youth Employability was presented that was developed by the Munja Inkubator and campaign recommendations, followed by a discussion on recommendations and future steps.

Institute’s representatives discussed the initiatives being conducted in cooperation with the governmental institutions, the model of support to youth businesses financed by the local community and developing a better business atmosphere that will be a suitable ground for developing the existing and opening new businesses.

As a good example of working on youth employability, the hosts presented themselves and the Networks Director, Bojana Ĺ krobi? Omerovi? presented the aims of the company and possibilities for all youth.

The campaign will last for 40 weeks and is based on the new info platform for strengthening youth entitled Ho?u.ba. It is a special service for informing 500,000 youth and those working with youth, who are thereby annually being offered with over 3,000 useful information through a complete set of communication tools from the modern www.hocu.ba web-portal, social networks , online magazine for teachers, NGOs and parents, video materials and announcements in the electronic media, info workshops in schools, regional presentations and dialogues with key actors and promotional participation in other youth events.


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