#16daysofACTIVISM for #356daysofNONVIOLENCE

#16danaAKTIVIZMA za #356danaNENASILJA (#16daysofACTIVISM for #356daysofNONVIOLENCE) is a message of the Institute for Youth Development activities in a global campaign, 16 Days of Activism.

Gender equality is in reality not well regulated by the law. It is even more unequal than we think, because we often do not recognize or see it and are not aware of it, as we were taught.

Women are excluded from decision-making. Men are  underrepresented in the judicial authority. Women do not receive the same compensation for the same work they perform as men and are slower in progressing in their careers. Men are less involved in child raising. Women make most of non-active workforce. In 98% cases of gender-based violence, the victims are women.

Gender-based violence is disproportionately affecting women more and 47,2% of women in BiH suffered some form of violence after the age of 15. Psychological violence is the most common form of violence with a total prevalence rate of 41,9% in a woman’s life.

The Institute is raising knowledge among youth on the most common forms of discrimination among youth with a specific focus on gender-based violence as a starting point in the problems resulting from a lack of gender equality through the #16danaAKTIVIZMA za #356danaNENASILJA campaign. Youth are responsible for creating new, proper values such as gender equality and their implementation in BiH citizens’ daily life.  


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