On Tuesday, on 4 March 2015, in its 2nd session, the Committee on Finance and Budget of Parliamentary Assembly’s House of Peoples supported the principles of the Proposal law on supplements and amendments to the Law on salaries and other compensations in judicial and prosecutorial institutions in BiH, proposed by the Council of Ministers of BiH.
The Committee also supported and forwarded to the Parliament the Report on financial audit of the Report on budget execution of the institutions of BiH for 2013.
The Report of the Audit Office of the institutions of BiH about the financial revision of the Report on budget execution of the institutions for 2013 was also adopted with the conclusion in which the Committee recommended that the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH demands the Council of Ministers of BiH and the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of BiH to pay particular attention to strengthening the system of internal control, and to, for more efficient business and reliability of financial reports, conduct an appropriate system of internal control that would provide precise and efficient accounting thus decreasing the risk of repeating the auditory results in the following auditory reports.
The Committee accepted and forwarded to the Parliament the Report of the Audit Office of the institutions of BiH on efficiency audits on the topic of “Costs of court proceedings”, with the conclusion in which the Committee recommends that the House of Representatives of Parliamentary Assembly of BiH demands the law enforcement institutions to, according to their jurisdiction, investigate all the statements and recommendations from the stated Report.
The Report on efficiency audits on the topic “Air traffic control in BiH” made by the Audit Office of the institutions of BiH has also been adopted.
The Committee acknowledged the Annual audit plan for 2014/2015, as well as the Financial Report of the Audit Office of the Institutions of BiH, for the time period from 1 January to 30 September 2014. The Committee also adopted the Overall Working Plan of the Committee for Finance and Budget of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH for 2015.
The Committee members were addressed by Chief of Party of the Project Strengthening Governing Institutions and Processes (SGIP) in BiH, Christian Haupt, who emphasized the project’s support to the members of the Committee and his belief in the continuation of their positive cooperation.
More information about the session are available HERE and you can also find information about the new Comittee on THIS link.
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