20th Session of Committee on Finance and Budget of Parliamentary Assembly’s House of Peoples of BiH

The Information about the distribution and implementation of funds of the current budget reserve for January – December 2015 was acknowledged during the 20th session of the Committee on Finance and Budget of the Parliamentary Assembly’s House of Peoples of BiH.

The Annual Consolidated Report on the system of financial management and control for 2015 was adopted.

The Information of the institutions in BiH on the planned and implemented activities in realizing the recommendations from the report on performed audits of effect on topics: “Energy efficiency in BiH institutions”, “Expenses for court proceedings” and “Establishing public internal financial controls (PIFC) in BiH” was acknowledged. The conclusion that required the upper mentioned institutions to completely and without delay realize the recommendations of the Auditing Office of the Institutions in BiH for the stipulated audits of effect was also adopted. Also, the conclusion that the Committee on Finance and Budget requires the BiH institutions which failed to comply to the conclusions of the Parliamentary Assembly’s House of Peoples of BiH to, in relation to the reports on audit of effect entitled: “Energy efficiency in BiH institutions”, “Expenses for court proceedings” and “Establishing public internal financial controls (PIFC) in BiH” and by September 10, 2016 inform the Committee on Finance and Budget of the Parliamentary Assembly’s House of Peoples of BiH via the Auditing Office of the Institutions in BiH about the realization of the stated conclusions referring to the planned and implemented activities related to the stated audits of effect. The conclusion was also adopted that delegates the institutions in BiH to deliver the Information in the form of a table in the manner that clearly indicates: the title of the recommendation from the report, activity bearers, realization deadlines and level (the realized, partly realized, ongoing and not realized – in which instance it is necessary to state the clear reasons why the realization was not performed). In the end, it was concluded that the Auditing Office of the Institutions in BiH, upon the expiry of the deadline from the previous conclusion, delivers the Committee with complete information on implementation of the conclusion.


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