Presentation of 2016 FBiH Budget Proposal and Involvment of Youth in Budget

As a part of Strengthening Governmental Institutions and Processes (SGIP) project in BiH a presentation of the Budget Proposal of FBiH for 2016 was organised. The presentation was held on Wednesday, 9 December 2015 at the Academy of Sciences and Arts of BiH. The presentation was attended by representatives and delegates of the Parliament of BiH, representatives and delegates of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, representatives of the academic community, representatives of several departmental ministries of FBiH and representatives of several non-governmental organisations.

After the introductory address of the Project Manager Christian Haupt, Dr. MerdĹľa Handali? Plahonji? presented the most important items of the Budget Proposal of FBiH for 2016. This was followed by a presentation on allocations for youth from 2014 to 2016, presented by the representative of the Institute for Youth Development KULT Nejra Neimarlija Roi?. Also, Professor Vjekoslav Domljan presented the modalities of increase in fiscal area required for a further implementation of the planned reforms in BiH.

Dr. Handali? Plahonji? emphasized in which manner the funds were planned to be spent. Besides the budget planned for administration and social protection, 2.1% of the budget is planned to be spent on a transfer for non-profit organisations. It is the first time that the subventions for public firms and private firms are being separated into 2 budget items. For subventions to public firms, 3.9% of the budget is planned to be allocated, while 7% is planned to be allocated for subventions to private firms and entrepreneurs. Public budget-related consultations are planned for this year, which is also a positive change. The most important incomes are incomes from indirect taxing and incomes from loans. The greatest current transfers refer to subventions for agriculture and veterinary medicine.

The transfer for financing and co-financing the first employment and self-employment for 2016 was planned in amount of 50,000,000 BAM, while in the previous 2 years this amount was 20,000,000 BAM. Most of this amount will be allocated for the first youth employment and self-employment, and it will also be interesting to follow this programme in order to have detailed data on the expenditure of these funds and the efficiency of their expenditure. The requirement for creating a programme budget that would enable the planned activities to be connected with the amounts presented in the budget was also emphasized.

The representative of the Institute for Youth Development KULT Nejra Neimarlija Roi? presented the FBiH budget allocations for youth from 2014 to 2016 with a comparison between the allocations for youth in 2014 and 2016. Also, the most significant challenges for youth were listed with the possibilities of their solution. The presentation was based on the information acquired from the departmental ministries. Six federal ministries allocated certain funds for youth in 2014, but those ministries are also planning to allocate certain funds in 2016.

The ministries that allocate certain funds for youth are the following: the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports, the Federal Ministry of Displaced Persons and Refugees, the Federal Ministry of Development, Entrepreneurship and Crafts, the Federal Ministry of Justice, the Federal Ministry of Education and Science and the Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism. The total funds allocated for youth in 2014 amounted to 2,660,690 BAM, while in 2016 they will be 2,156,500 BAM. This presents 0.1% of the FBiH budget being allocated for youth requirements.

The allocated funds refer to funding scholarships for different youth categories, the transfer for youth organisations, strengthening youth policies, youth tourism, youth entrepreneurship, scholarships for training in old crafts, apprenticeships, development of rural tourism through youth employment, etc.

The Institute is the partner in the SGIP project, financed by the US Agency for International Development (USAID).


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