14 Excellent Ideas Presented at the “Idejalište” Idea Fair

The Institute for Youth Development KULT supported the idea fair “Idejalište”, held on February 23, 2019 at the Center for Personal and Professional Education. The presentations of ideas by young people from across BiH were attended by more than 80 people. Alen Torbić from the Institute for Youth Development KULT was a member of the jury in charge of selecting the best ideas.

14 excellent ideas were presented, the concept of an idea fair was explained, and a session was held on the topic Successful Brainstorming. The three best ideas were given financial prizes and other brave presenters also received symbolic prizes. 3D glasses won the first prize, “Quiz BiH – first mobile quiz game in BiH” won the second prize and “Recycling Clothes” won third place.

“This fair is just the beginning of a wonderful opportunity for future networking. Remember, all successful people started with an idea, and took baby steps to great success.”, said Ifeta Burzić, PR Manager of the “Idejalište” fair.

The slogan of the fair was “Together we can turn ideas into something more”.

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