10th Session of Committee on Economic and Developmental Politics, Finance and Budget of Parliamentary Assembly’s House of People of FBiH

The 10th session of Committee on Economic and Developmental Politics, Finance and Budget of the Parliamentary Assembly’s House of People of FBiH was held on April 21, 2016.

The Proposal of the Law on Financial Business Management and Control in the Public Sector in FBiH was supported. In accordance with the Agreement on Stabilization and Association with the European Union the enactment and implementation of this Law is required, but also necessary in order to regulate this part of the system more directly. This Law, among other things, manages the reporting procedure related to financial management and control in the public sector, authority of the Central Harmonization Unit in the Federal Ministry of Finance, etc. It is relevant that this Law will not enforce new employment in the public sector for implementing the legal provisions and it will not impose burdens on the budget of FBiH. 

The Activity Report of the Government of FBiH for 2015 was acknowledged. It was emphasized that the Government of FBiH in 2015 performed the harmonization of the Law with the EU directives, worked on strengthening the budget reliability, social sector, health, and on improving the coordination between cantons.

The Information on performed audit of the privatization of state capital of economic associations and banks in FBiH for the time period March – October 2015 made by the Auditing Agency of the Privatization in FBiH was acknowledged. Certain problems of the Agency were emphasized, such as the lack of cadres, lack of coordination between the laws under which the Agency performs its business – disabling the fulfilment of the goal of the Agency, which is to perform audit on 1,600 privatized economic societies in 5 years’ time – from enacting of the Law on Auditing of Privatization in FBiH, i.e. by 2017.


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