Youth watch youth policy

The Institute for Youth Development KULT, together with its partners, has begun implementing the initiative Youth Watch Youth Policy. The aim of this initiative is to contribute in developing a civil society which will actively participate in decision making processes and have an impact on the enforcement of youth policies and youth laws in BiH.


The Institute for Youth Development KULT and the representatives of 12 YA/YC and youth associations compose the Initiative for Monitoring and Evaluating Youth Policies (IMEYP). Our goal is to build and strengthen the capacities of the Initiative, to enable cooperation, exchange of knowledge and experience between YA/YC, to become more powerful partners in dialogue with the authorities in creating, enforcing and monitoring youth policies. The Initiative will work on establishing sustainable mechanisms for cooperation between the government and the NGO sector, on establishing systems of monitoring, evaluation, analysis and advocating youth policies at all authority levels in BiH.

In order to accomplish the above mentioned goals, the IMEYP will:

– attend a four-month training programme for their institutional, budget and structural stregthening, which consists of six modules,

– participate in a three-day workshop for the purpose of defining criteria and indicators for watching and assessing the activities and mechanisms for gathering information about youth strategy indicators,

– report on the processes of monitoring and evaluation of youth policies at all authority levels via the web page,

– conduct an advocacy campaign for the purpose of indicating the importance of including young people in decision making processes,

– compile 9 reports based on monitoring and evaluation conducted in 4 municipalities, 2 cantons, at entity and BiH state level,

– compile references for improving youth policies at all authority levels. These references will be based on monitoring of findings and analyses estimates, which will be compiled by IMEYP during the process of monitoring youth policies in 4 local governments, 2 cantons, at entity and state levels.

The initiative Youth Watch Youth Policy is being conducted in cooperation with 4 partners: Perpetuum mobile, Democratic Youth Organization of Velika Kladuša, Youth Council of Tomislavgrad Municipality and Youth Council of Vlasenica, and sponsored by the European Union.

Contact person:
Aida Sušić, projektna koordinatorica (

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