Youth Also Find Civil Dialogue Particularly Important

The representative of the Institute for Youth Development KULT participated in a panel discussion “Civil dialogue in the region and in BiH – trends and practice” organised by the EU Info Centre. The panel discussion aimed at familiarising the representatives of the civil society organisations with new information on the EU policy and presenting the examples related to civil dialogue in the countries of Western Balkans. 

According to the latest report of the European Commission on the progress of Bosnia and Herzegovina, an active dialogue in the civil society is one of the more significant challenges for BiH in the EU integration and the pre-accession process.

The introductory presentations in the panel discussion were held by Dragan Golubovi?, an expert in civil dialogue who referred to the examples and practice of the countries in the region, Mr. DĹľemal HodĹľi?, from the Delegation of EU in BiH, who presented the EU programmes focused on strengthening the civil dialogue and consultations between the institutions and the civil society.

A view on the activites for developing consultations with the civil society orgainsations in BiH was provided by Goran Ku?era from the Ministry of Justice in BiH and Midhat DĹľemi?, from DEI BiH, who referred to the IPA II programmes and the role of the civil society in planning the programmes. 

Particular attention in the panel discussion was reserved for the presentation of new tools for consulting the civil society and the government on a state level that are in preparation through the CBGI programme. 

The participants who were invited, besides KULT, were the civil society organistions from different sectors including the environmental and youth sector and sector for dealing with issues of minorities. It was also a chance for them to exchange their experiences in the area of civil dialogue.

The Institute for Youth Development KULT is happy to respond to these events in which it can share its long-term experience in engaging the youth in decision-making processes and creating space and specific tools intended for the youth to conduct dialogue with the government at various levels of authority.

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