Young Generations Taught About Importance of Buying Domestic Products

The Educational-Leisure Center for Youth SPAJALICA hosted Admir Kapo, from the association Kupujmo i koristimo doma?e (Buy and Use Domestic Products). The topic of the educational lecture was “Raising consciousness about the importance of buying domestic products”. Participants of the School of Friendship had a chance to discuss the importance of buying domestic products, what a domestic product is and, of course, which of those products available on the market are good for them.

Mr Kapo took a very interesting approach to explaining to the little participants how we support domestic production by buying domestic products, and make sure our parents receive their salaries. The children’s familiarity with domestic companies and their most famous brands was a pleasant surprise.

The lecture ended with a little quiz and the children once again showed that they know which products to buy next time they are shopping with their parents.


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