World Diabetes Day Commemorated at SPAJALICA

“I remember the very beginning; I suddenly lost weight and increased my fluids intake. My mom asked me if I was alright, and I said I was, because I had no idea what was happening in my organism. Teachers kept asking me why I was sleepy at school and some stated that I appeared to be tired. I had diabetes. My first insulin intake was extremely difficult, my parents could not explain to me how I should apply my treatment, but one gets used to everything in time. The most important thing is to accept diabetes as a best friend; I often told my friends, when I carried insulin in my bag, that I was literary carrying my life in my hands. Today, when I use an insulin pump that regulates blood sugar, I literary say that I carry my life in my pocket.”  

This is the story of Emina Jusupovi? that was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 13. In the last couple of years, more children and youth have been diagnosed with the same illness in our country. It is estimated that over 300,000 people have this disorder in our country and it is feared that the number is even greater, since experiences demonstrate that there is one undiagnosed on every registered diabetic.   

A lecture about diabetes that aimed to inform youth and the wider public on the great imporatance of a timely diagnosis of this illness was held for the students of the High School of Graphic Technologies at the Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA. The lecture was held by Emina Jusupovi?, a student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Sarajevo. 

What is diabetes?  

 â€“ Diabetes is a chronic, incurable system metabolic disorder, characterised by a permanent increase in blood glucose level.  

– It is mostly conditioned by genetic factors and is a result of a decrease in secretion or decrease in biological efficiency of the insuline hormone, or the combination of the two factors. 

– Today, diabetes is considered to be one of the most widespread endocrinological diseases, with a continually rising prevalence. 

– It is a consequence of the modern lifestyle and an increase in a number of etiological factors, particularly obesity. 

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