Will Anyone Call the Emergency Number?!

Institute for Youth Development KULT encourages prevention of violence against women and girls and sends a message of active involvement of all citizens in a non-violent community by showing a video titled “Will anyone call the emergency number?” within the frame of Orange Day campaign. The video will be displayed from February 27th to March 6th before each movie projection in Cinema City’s Hall 1.

Orange Day is a global initiative implemented by UNiTE Youth Network to prevent violence against women and girls, led by Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon. Institute for Youth Development implements this month’s Orange Day in accordance with the tradition of Gender Equality Week dedicated to questions, promotion, and empowerment of women in all areas of life and work.

95% of victims of domestic violence are women and this is the biggest unaccepted challenge of BiH society. 47.2% women in BiH suffered some form of violence after age of 15. Domestic violence has recently started coming out of “private” spheres because human rights violation is a characteristic of an unhealthy society which must be tackled publically. Moral duty of each abiding and conscious citizen is to react against unacceptable behaviour and help the victims of violence. Call the emergency number against domestic violence:


  RS: 1264


 FBiH: 1265

Do not be the silent witnesses. Silence is active participation in creating a distorted society which justifies violence.   

Domestic violence video Will anyone call the emergency number? can be seen on the Institute for Youth Development KULT’s YouTube channel.  


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