Tešanj Municpality As Start-Up Youth Businesses Support Example for Other BiH Local Communities

Start-up youth businesses supported by local communities is one of the Institute for Youth Development initiatives aiming to tackle the growing youth unemployment in BiH. The initiative encourages creating of a sustainable support for young entrepreneurs by financing start-up businesses and local authorities involving youth entrepreneurship in their development strategies as a solution for new vacancies.

In order to facilitate establishing such an instrument for local communities, the Institute is creating a model of support for start-up youth businesses, with all the necessary patterns and other materials. The model will then be sent to local communities in order for those in charge to comment. Since Tešanj municipality is successfully implementing Best Business ideas for four consecutive years now, their practice will serve as a basis for the model.

This is why the Institute’s representatives visited the youth issues officer of Tešanj municipality, one of the process managers in Tešanj on August 14. Mr Deduki? presented the entire process at the meeting, from public call to the publication of supported businesses.

The Institute will soon hold meetings with the representatives of all sectors included in the funds allocation and the monitoring of supported businesses at Tešanj municipality.


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