Support to youth in FBiH

In July 2012, the Institute for Youth Development KULT signed an agreement on cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Sports and Culture.

The cooperation of agreeing parties is focused on creating and fostering an environment conducive to introducing and improving institutional mechanisms for youth issues in FBiH, in compliance with the Law on Youth. The agreeing parties are willing to:


  1. 1. harmonise youth policies in FBiH,
  2. 2. strengthen specialised and administrative capacities of youth policy makers in BiH,
  3. 3. engage in public promotion of youth policies to its target group.

In order to reach the aforementioned goals, the agreeing parties will undertake the following activities:

1)  Implementing measures which will enable the creation and implementation of a youth policy at all levels of government in FBiH through a multi-sector approach, taking into consideration the needs, demands and interests of the youth;

1.1)       analysis of youth sector policies in FBiH,

1.2)       setting priorities in the research of youth needs,

1.3)       research of youth needs,

1.4)       defining recommendations for creating a youth strategy in FBiH.

2) Establishing the procedure for training and certifying Youth Officers;

2.1) providing definitions and norms for procedures,

2.2) certifying Youth Officers.

3) Informing youth about the government’s youth-oriented measures and public promotion of sector policies;

3.1) gathering and disseminating information to youth organisations,

3.2) public promotion of sector policies of all the ministries in the government of FBiH.

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