Strengthening Youth Structures

The initiative Strengthening Youth Structures in BiH, among other things, strengthens youth umbrella organizations so that they could independently exert a direct influence on improving the position of youth in BiH. The Institute for Youth Development KULT and the Youth Communication Centre from Banja Luka (OKC) are cooperating with ministries at entity level, competent for youth issues, as well as with other organizations.

The cooperation is reflected in a common effort towards creating strategic documents for youth in BiH, in compliance with the Youth Law of FBiH and the Law on Youth Organising in Republika Srpska. The Institute and OKC will provide support and strengthen the capacities of government institutions to ensure that the documents developed will be tailored to youth needs and aimed at addressing their problems.


Ministries of the Government of FBiH, in cooperation with representatives of the FBiH Youth Council are working on establishing a Youth Committee as an inter-ministerial working body. The main role of this body is the coordination and harmonization of obligations of FBiH towards youth. Among other obligations, the Committee will be in charge of monitoring the implementation of the Youth Law of FBiH, give expert opinions on the successfulness of the strategy implementation, participate in creating youth action programs, propose adequate budget funds in accordance with the youth policy.

The Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports (FMKS) will also receive expert support in establishing the inter-ministerial working group, which will present the position of youth to the Parliament of FBiH (based on the Survey conducted by the Institute, at the request of FMKS), work on plans and government efforts (youth policy of FBiH), and, within relevant ministries, develop youth action plans.

Official name of the initiative: Strengthening structures for empowerment and participation of youth in BiH.

Project is implemented by the Youth Communication Centre Banja Luka (OKC) and the Institute for Youth Development KULT, with the financial support of the European Union, Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports of Republika Srpska.

Contact persons for the project:

Elma Bešlić

Dijana Olovčić


Project supported by: 

The European Union

Project co-funded by:

Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports


Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports of Republika Srpska

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